Kosmos Torso-One Probe

Compatability: Android
Sale price$5,000.00


The Kosmos Torso-One Probe is equipped with advanced phased array technology for powerful imaging in cardiology and abdominal scanning. This single probe offers comprehensive 2D imaging, PW, TDI, and CW Spectral Doppler capabilities, along with Color Doppler, enabling access to all AI applications. It also features automated presets for Cardiology, Abdominal, and Lung applications, and its narrow, molded design ensures an easy grip. This high-performance probe is also backed with a 5-year warranty.


  • 20.7mm aperture​
  • Weight: 275g​
  • 1.5.0 – 4.5 MHz​
  • 4- 30 cm Scanning Depth

$200 discount with 6 clinical software features

PW Doppler, CW Doppler, TDI Doppler, Auto Ejection Fraction, Trio, AI FAST

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Kosmos Essentials Bag

AI Features


Real-time AI assisted Ultrasound Guidance, Accurate Cardiac Structure Identification, and Labeling: AI TRIO system eases the transition from novice to expert for ultrasound practitioners. It employs real-time anatomical detection techniques to offer guidance on probe positioning during cardiac and FAST examinations. The highlighted bar system informs you when you've reached the best imaging plane for precise measurements and anatomical evaluations properly labeled.

Ejection Fraction

  • Automated Ejection Fraction, Stroke Volume, Cardiac Output, and Heart Rate Calculations
  • Instant Access to Real-time Systolic Cardiac Data
  • Flexibility for Manual Adjustments as Required
  • Improves Consistency in Crucial Clinical Metrics


Real-time automated anatomical labeling and view identification are at your fingertips with AI FAST, allowing for the rapid and confident recognition of views and essential anatomical structures during the FAST Exam. This technology also facilitates the identification of typical sites for fluid collections.


Automated examination of all heart chambers, utilizing both 2D and Doppler views to generate a complete echo report, seamlessly incorporating international reference guidelines, and producing assessments for heart structure and function. Streamlined analysis time (1-2 minutes with AI software vs. 20-40 minutes for human analysis) results in enhanced accuracy. Core lab testing demonstrated a 0% variability in results, proving high precision comparable to core lab-trained sonographers. This technology can be seamlessly integrated into the Kosmos system or deployed as an on-premises server, enabling real-time operation for continual data acquisition during examinations. It promotes the consistency and reproducibility of vital clinical measurements and offers data to facilitate evidence-based decision-making.